First Friday Gallery Hop is coming up....Gallery Hop is a monthly event organized by the Downtown Art District Association (DADA). The November Hop often promises wonderful shows and exhibitions, not to mention a vast array of very giftable art and craft in the various shops and galleries all around the Art District. This month's edition will no doubt live up to the hype.
November Gallery Hop E-Newsletter
Unleashed Art Center is an AFAS group event, teaching and exhibition space. AFAS also has a beautiful gallery at 606 N. Trade Street, the Red Dog Gallery. Plus, AFAS is the driving force behind the Arts on Sunday Festivals, which just completed another successful series. AFAS = Art For Art's Sake. They have a newly redesigned website that you may want to check out for more information about the organization and its other programs. www.theafasgroup.com.

The Delurk Gallery will have an opening November 2 from 7pm-10pm. Our Featured Artist this month will be our own Clark Whittington celebrating fifteen years of his famed international art project Art-o-mat. The Art-o-mat project, based here in Winston Salem, NC, has reclaimed the old cigarette vending machines of yore and repurposed them to bring international art and artists to people all over the world. The Art-o-mat project brings together Whittington's brilliant creative design, inspired artwork and love of both the arts and artists to a perfect union. This is a celebration of both him and his glorious project. The show will include machines, memorabilia and artwork from artists who have contributed to the project over the last 15 years. The show runs through December 4th.
images courtesy of Art-o-mat and Delurk Gallery