Yesterday it was August. Today it's September. The calendar is a man-made concoction. So is language. Not to's not my style to spend too much time waxing philosophical. But think about it: say the word "August," and look into your mind's eye at the images and sensations conjured up. Summertime, hot, dog days, beach, vacation....One day later, you flip the calendar page to September, and instantly, your summertime fun morphs into back-to-work, back-to-school, put away the suitcases and pull out the briefcases and book bags. Do they still call them book bags? Or have they traded them in for Nook® bags? Out there in Sports-FantasyLand, September means FOOTBALL.
For some people on Trade Street, football is simply two four-letter-words spliced together. Fortunately, there are plenty of music and cultural events happening this month to keep those people happy. Check it out:
Saturday, September 1st, 7-10pm: Summer on Trade. The final summer music event of the season at the intersection of 6th & Trade.
Summer On Trade August 25 2012 - Deborah Willard - Picasa Web Albums
Friday, September 7th, 7-10pm: First Friday Gallery Hop. This event, sponsored by the Downtown Art District Association (DADA), is actually a year-'round event, taking place the first Friday of every month. Rain or shine, Trade Street, 6th Street, and a portion of Liberty Street that fall within the Downtown Art District are closed off to vehicular traffic. People may wander freely to explore the new exhibitions and artists' receptions at many of the art galleries and studios; participate in kids' activities, drumming circles, yoga and tai chi demonstrations; enjoy cultural dance and theatrical performances.
The Downtown Arts District - photos by Deborah Willard
Saturday, September 8th, 10am - 5pm:
Bookmarks Book Festival. For the 3rd straight year, Trade Street welcomes this unique literary event, NC's only free and annual book festival. Those of us in the 500-600 blocks of Trade Street look forward to this educational, literary event , as it tends to draw a whole different group of people into town, often people who haven't been to downtown WS for years because they've been completely unaware of the transformation that has taken place. It is a common mis-conception that Trade Street is still a seedy, run-down, don't-go-there-even-in-the-daytime kind of place. Those of us who have witnessed its renaissance talk ourselves blue in an effort to convince people that this street is a beautiful, lively, vibrant, and SAFE place to visit, day or night.