Temperature last Saturday topped 100 degrees. There were reports that a number of outdoor activities in town that had been cancelled due to the excessive heat. But on Trade Street, the show had to go on!! Martha Bassett and her band were real troupers, rewarding their stalwart fans with a stellar performance.
I had been somewhat hot and bothered when I pulled up the Trade Street Tracker that afternoon, intending to add an update, only to find that the background photo had disappeared!! All there was in the background were a bunch of white minus signs against a black background. Other photos had disappeared to, only to be replaced with this in-your-face minus-sign. Google, what gives??
Finally found a new photo to serve as a decent background image and uploaded after resizing umphf times because it kept being too large. DOUBLE hot 'n' bothered. Finally got it to work; left computer to go set up my hat-painting table outside.
At last, I was able to settle down and paint. Martha's exceptional voice was the perfect antidote to my frazzled condition. Then my sister Denise and her husband Perry showed up with Kendall's new puppy, this cute little fluff-ball named Clay, an Aussie-Doodle. Had to abandon the paint brushes in favor of the camera.