Friday, October 19, 2012

RJR Students Perform at Arts on Sunday Festival

Every Sunday in October

Arts on Sunday Festivals are held every Sunday in October and again in May of each year.  The RJ Reynolds High School Visual and Performing Arts groups take the stage during one of the Sundays in each series. Their October engagement is THIS WEEKEND, Sunday October 21st, 1-5 pm. They will treat the crowd to what amounts to a variety show all afternoon.  We get to hear the orchestra and the jazz band perform. Past performances have also included dance routines from the famous Dancing Boots and excerpts from the school's theatrical production of Alice in Wonderland.

How It All Started

 Arts on Sunday Festivals have evolved into one of the premier events series in the Arts District.  The event was conceived a few years ago as a collaborative effort to promote Sunday Brunch at Finnigan's Wake and 6th and Vine restaurants and to provide artists with an opportunity to display and sell their creations.  That handful of tables and some acoustical music in the area between Finnigan's and 619-625 Trade Street has blossomed into a lively Sunday afternoon arts festival that spans the 500 and 600 blocks of Trade Street as well as the 200 block of 6th Street.  Each Sunday features a different theme, with a terrific array of live musical performances.

Music and Artists and Fun, Oh MY!

Other street performers provide additional entertainment. A mime wanders around interacting with kids and adults. Sometimes we get a balancing act demonstration.  Balloon artists, clowns, hula hoops, chalk drawing in the street--guaranteed fun for everyone.  There is always a kid's booth set up where kids get to create something special to take home with them.  Dozens of artists' booths and tables line both sides of the street, and many of the retail shops and galleries are open too.  Meet and greet the artists and watch as some of them create works of art before your very eyes.

Eat, Drink, Shop, Watch Football, Enjoy

The weather forecast for the upcoming weekend is for an absolutely delightful, sunny, mild autumn afternoon.  There is plenty of parking one block away in lots with entrances off Liberty Street, as well as the parking deck at the corner of Cherry and 6th Street.  Our friendly neighborhood bike patrol is there to look out for everyone's safety.  Restaurants and pubs abound. In addition to Finnigan's and 6th & Vine, there is Chelsee's Coffee Shop in the 500 block; and Mary's Too/Breakfast of Course and the District Restaurant in the 700 block of Trade, all of which serve scrumptious meals, cold beverages, and NFL football on wide-screen TVs.


If you are one of those who haven't been to Downtown Winston-Salem lately, this is an ideal time to treat yourself to a trip to town!!

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