Page 4: About Trade Street - FAQs


The 500 and 600 blocks of Trade Street have enough shops and galleries to keep shop-till-you-droppers busy all day.  As the holiday shopping season approaches, you'll want to keep this street high on your list of shopping destinations. You'll be able to avoid the stress and consternation of mall crowds, traffic congestion, check-out counters with missing-in-action sales people, and other headaches of big-box-stores and shopping malls. 


Trade Street has artfully renovated historic buildings, brick sidewalks, benches, trees, friendly folk and an all-'round relaxed atmosphere. Not to mention art and craft and all manner of unique gifts in all price ranges. You won't have to worry about buying and giving something that somebody already has. 


There is on-street parking as well as several parking lots for visitors to their respective businesses. Plus, there is a public parking deck whose Cherry Street entrance is only a half a block away from the 6th and Trade intersection.
If you really want to get an on-street space, plan to get there before lunchtime or during the stretch of afternoon between lunch and happy hour.


Most shops and galleries are open Tuesday through Saturday. There are a handful that open on Sunday and Monday, but if you have your heart set on visiting a particular store, call ahead for an appointment or just don't plan to go there on a Sunday or Monday. 


In addition, it's a good thing to keep in mind that most of them close around 5:00 or 6:00 pm. Some have extended hours during the holiday shopping season, but it's best to call ahead to be sure.  During the gallery hops, which are held year-'round on the first Friday of every month, everyone is open from 7-10 pm.


Worried about crime at all? Public safety officers, particularly the Bike Patrol, keep an active presence in the area.   Use good sense and lock your valuables in the trunk of your car, well out of sight, just as you would in most other public areas in town. 

If you stick around through the evening hours to dine or enjoy some live music at one of the fine restaurants and bars along Trade Street, you'll find that there are lots of street lights to keep the sidewalks well illuminated. And plenty of people to keep you from feeling isolated. Many of the watering holes maintain extra security personnel as well.  The Arts District as well as other areas in downtown Winston-Salem are super-safe places to be.  People live here, work here, dine here, walk their dogs, sing, dance, and play here every day and evening of the week!